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Rukmini Swayamvar: A Marathi Masterpiece by Sant Eknath Maharaj - Free Download

Rukmini Swayamvar: A Marathi Book on the Divine Love Story of Krishna and Rukmini


If you are looking for a book that can inspire you with the divine love story of Krishna and Rukmini, then you should read Rukmini Swayamvar, a Marathi book written by Sant Eknath Maharaj. This book narrates the story of how Krishna, the supreme personality of Godhead, married Rukmini, the princess of Vidarbha, by abducting her from her own wedding ceremony. This book also explains the benefits of reading this story and how to read it properly.

rukmini swayamvar book in marathi free download

What is Rukmini Swayamvar?

Rukmini Swayamvar is a Marathi book that belongs to the genre of katha, which means a narrative or a story. It is based on the Bhagavata Purana, one of the ancient scriptures of Hinduism that describes the life and activities of Krishna. Rukmini Swayamvar focuses on the tenth canto of the Bhagavata Purana, which deals with the pastimes of Krishna in Dwaraka. It specifically narrates the episode of Rukmini Haran, which means the abduction of Rukmini by Krishna.

Who is the author of Rukmini Swayamvar?

The author of Rukmini Swayamvar is Sant Eknath Maharaj, a saint and poet who lived in Maharashtra in the 16th century. He was a disciple of Sant Janardan Swami, who was a disciple of Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj, one of the most revered saints in Maharashtra. Sant Eknath Maharaj wrote many books in Marathi, such as Eknathi Bhagavat, Eknathi Gatha, Bharud, Ovi, etc. He also composed many devotional songs in praise of various deities. He was known for his devotion, scholarship, simplicity, and social service.

Why is Rukmini Swayamvar a popular book for marriage?

Rukmini Swayamvar is a popular book for marriage because it depicts the ideal relationship between a husband and a wife. Krishna and Rukmini are considered as the perfect couple who share unconditional love, mutual respect, spiritual compatibility, and divine grace. Their marriage is also based on their free will and mutual attraction, rather than on worldly considerations or family pressure. Reading this book can help couples to develop a strong bond with each other and with God. It can also help them to overcome any obstacles or difficulties in their married life.

The Story of Rukmini Swayamvar

The background of Krishna and Rukmini

Krishna was born as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki in Mathura, but he was secretly transferred to Gokul by his father to save him from his uncle Kamsa, who was a tyrant king. He grew up as a cowherd boy under the care of his foster parents Nanda and Yashoda. He performed many miraculous deeds in his childhood, such as killing many demons sent by Kamsa, lifting Govardhan hill, dancing with gopis, etc. He also killed Kamsa and freed his parents from prison. He then moved to Dwaraka, where he established his own kingdom.

Rukmini was born as the daughter of Bhishmaka, the king of Vidarbha. She was very beautiful, virtuous, intelligent, and devoted. She heard about the glories and qualities of Krishna from sage Narada and other visitors. She developed a deep love for Krishna in her heart and decided to marry him only. She also prayed to Goddess Parvati for her blessings.

The proposal of Shishupala

Shishupala was born as the son of Damaghosha, the king of Chedi. He was also a cousin of Krishna, but he hated him due to envy. He was very proud, arrogant, wicked, and powerful. He had a boon from his mother that he would not die unless Krishna killed him with his own hands. He also had another boon from Lord Shiva that he would marry Rukmini.

Shishupala came to know about Rukmini's beauty and wealth through his friend Jarasandha, who was another enemy of Krishna. He proposed to marry her with the help of Jarasandha and other kings who were allied with him. He also convinced Bhishmaka's eldest son Rukmi, who was also envious of Krishna, to support his proposal. Bhishmaka agreed to give his daughter to Shishupala under pressure from his son and other kings.

The letter of Rukmini to Krishna

Rukmini came to know about her father's decision to marry her to Shishupala through her brother's messenger. She was shocked and saddened by this news. She decided to take refuge in Krishna and send him a letter through a brahmana named Sunanda. She wrote:

O Lord Krishna, You are the supreme personality of Godhead, The source and master of all beings, The ocean of all auspicious qualities, The protector and lover of your devotees, The destroyer of your enemies, The bestower of all benedictions. I have heard about your glories from sage Narada And I have fallen in love with you. You are my only shelter And I am your eternal servant. Please accept me as your wife And save me from this calamity. My father has arranged my marriage with Shishupala Who is wicked, cruel, proud, and sinful. He is not fit for me And I cannot bear him. He is your enemy And he hates you. If you do not rescue me I will give up my life. Please come to Vidarbha And take me away. My marriage ceremony is fixed on tomorrow At noon time. I will come out To worship Goddess Parvati. You can easily abduct me From there. Please do not delay And fulfill my desire.

Krishna received the letter from Sunanda And he was pleased by it. He assured him that he would come And take away Rukmini.

The abduction of Rukmini by Krishna

Krishna mounted his chariot driven by Daruka And left for Vidarbha with Balarama And some other warriors. He reached there before noon time. Rukmini came out To worship Goddess Parvati With her friends And relatives. She saw Krishna standing near his chariot and felt a surge of joy in her heart. She also recognized him as her lord and master. She offered him a garland of flowers with her eyes and prayed to him to take her away.

Krishna saw Rukmini's gesture and understood her feelings. He quickly got down from his chariot and approached her. He lifted her up with his left hand and placed her on his chariot. He then drove away from the scene with great speed.

The battle between Krishna and Shishupala

When Shishupala and other kings saw that Krishna had abducted Rukmini, they were enraged and shocked. They immediately mounted their chariots and followed him with their armies. They attacked him with various weapons and tried to stop him.

Krishna was not afraid of them. He fought with them valiantly and skillfully. He used his bow Sharanga, his discus Sudarshana, his club Kaumodaki, and his conch Panchajanya to counter their attacks. He also had the help of Balarama and other warriors who accompanied him.

Krishna defeated all the kings who opposed him and killed many of them. He also wounded Shishupala and made him flee from the battlefield. He then reached Dwaraka safely with Rukmini.

The marriage of Krishna and Rukmini

When Krishna reached Dwaraka with Rukmini, he was welcomed by his parents Vasudeva and Devaki, his wives Jambavati and Satyabhama, his ministers Uddhava and Akrura, his friends Sudama and Arjuna, and other residents of Dwaraka. They all praised him for his heroic deed and congratulated him for winning Rukmini.

Krishna then arranged for a grand marriage ceremony for himself and Rukmini. He invited many sages, gods, kings, and celestials to witness the auspicious event. He performed all the rituals according to the Vedic scriptures and tied the knot with Rukmini. He also gave her many gifts and ornaments as dowry.

Rukmini was very happy to become the wife of Krishna. She served him with love, devotion, humility, and obedience. She also respected his other wives and treated them as her sisters. She became the chief queen of Dwaraka and the mother of ten sons.

The Benefits of Reading Rukmini Swayamvar

The spiritual benefits of reading Rukmini Swayamvar

Reading Rukmini Swayamvar can help one to develop love for Krishna, who is the supreme personality of Godhead. It can also help one to understand the qualities of a devotee like Rukmini, who was completely surrendered to Krishna's will. It can also inspire one to follow the example of Rukmini in serving Krishna with faith, dedication, gratitude, and loyalty.

Reading Rukmini Swayamvar can also help one to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It can also help one to achieve the highest destination of Vaikuntha, where one can live eternally with Krishna in bliss and knowledge. It can also help one to get the blessings of Lakshmi, who is the goddess of fortune and the expansion of Rukmini.

The material benefits of reading Rukmini Swayamvar

Reading Rukmini Swayamvar can also help one to get material benefits such as wealth, health, happiness, fame, success, etc. It can also help one to overcome any obstacles or difficulties in one's life. It can also help one to fulfill any desires or wishes that one may have.

Reading Rukmini Swayamvar can also help one to get a good partner in marriage. It can also help one to have a harmonious relationship with one's spouse. It can also help one to have good children who are obedient, intelligent, virtuous, and devoted.

The practical benefits of reading Rukmini Swayamvar

Reading Rukmini Swayamvar can also help one to improve one's language skills, especially in Marathi. It can also help one to appreciate the beauty and richness of Marathi literature. It can also help one to learn about the culture and history of Maharashtra.

Reading Rukmini Swayamvar can also help one to develop moral values such as honesty, courage, generosity, humility, etc. It can also help one to cultivate spiritual values such as devotion such as devotion, detachment, surrender, etc. It can also help one to improve one's concentration, memory, creativity, and communication skills.

How to Read Rukmini Swayamvar

The best time and place to read Rukmini Swayamvar

The best time to read Rukmini Swayamvar is in the morning or evening, preferably during the Brahma Muhurta (one and a half hours before sunrise) or the Sandhya (twilight) time. The best place to read Rukmini Swayamvar is in a clean, quiet, and sacred place, such as a temple, a home altar, or a garden. One should also face the east or north direction while reading.

The procedure and rules to read Rukmini Swayamvar

The procedure and rules to read Rukmini Swayamvar are as follows:

  • One should take a bath and wear clean clothes before reading.

  • One should light a lamp and offer flowers, incense, and fruits to Krishna and Rukmini.

  • One should invoke the blessings of one's guru, the author Sant Eknath Maharaj, and the deities Krishna and Rukmini.

One should recite the following mantra before reading:

  • ॐ नम भगवते वसुदेवय Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya I bow down to Lord Vasudeva (Krishna)

  • One should read the book with devotion, attention, and reverence.

  • One should read one chapter or more per day, depending on one's capacity and time.

  • One should not skip any chapter or verse while reading.

  • One should not read the book while eating, sleeping, or engaging in any other activity.

  • One should not read the book in a disrespectful or casual manner.

  • One should not lend or give the book to anyone who is not interested or qualified to read it.

The tips and tricks to read Rukmini Swayamvar effectively

The tips and tricks to read Rukmini Swayamvar effectively are as follows:

  • One should try to understand the meaning and message of each verse while reading.

  • One should try to visualize the scenes and characters described in the book while reading.

  • One should try to relate the book to one's own life and situation while reading.

  • One should try to apply the teachings and lessons of the book in one's daily life after reading.

  • One should try to share the book with others who are interested or curious about it after reading.

  • One should try to chant the names of Krishna and Rukmini while reading or after reading.

  • One should try to meditate on the form of Krishna and Rukmini while reading or after reading.

  • One should try to pray to Krishna and Rukmini for their grace and guidance while reading or after reading.

How to Download Rukmini Swayamvar for Free

The sources and links to download Rukmini Swayamvar for free

If you want to download Rukmini Swayamvar for free, you can find various sources and links on the internet. Some of them are:

  • This is a link to download a PDF version of Rukmini Swayamvar in Marathi from You can also read it online or listen to it as an audio book.

  • This is a link to watch a video of Rukmini Swayamvar in Marathi by V N Utpat on YouTube. You can also download it as an MP4 file or an MP3 file.

  • This is a link to read an article on Rukmini Swayamvar in English by Vijay Kumar S Khatokar on Bhagavan Bhakthi website. You can also download it as a PDF file or an EPUB file.

The steps and instructions to download Rukmini Swayamvar for free

The steps and instructions to download Rukmini Swayamvar for free are as follows:

  • Select the source and link that you prefer from the above list.

  • Click on the link or copy and paste it in your browser's address bar.

  • Wait for the page or video to load completely.

  • Look for the download option or button on the page or video.

  • Select the format and quality that you want for your download.

  • Click on the download option or button and save the file in your device's storage.

  • Enjoy reading or listening to Rukmini Swayamvar for free.

The precautions and warnings to download Rukmini Swayamvar for free

The precautions and warnings to download Rukmini Swayamvar for free are as follows:

  • Make sure that you have a stable internet connection and enough storage space in your device before downloading.

  • Make sure that you have a reliable antivirus software installed in your device before downloading.

  • Make sure that you have permission from the original author or publisher before downloading if it is required by law or ethics.

  • Make sure that you do not violate any copyright laws or rules by downloading without proper authorization or attribution.

Make sure that you do not use any illegal or harmful websites or software


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