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Ezekiel Thomas
Ezekiel Thomas

Rome Total War Ancillary List

Now for the sake of showing all the options available here, I am going to add in a pair of exclusions. The first is ExcludedAncillaries, which prevents your general from gaining this new retinue member if they already have the ancillaries listed there. The second is ExcludeCultures, which prevents the listed cultures from gaining this ancillary. In this case, Kybele is the Queen of the Heavens and the Earth, and being an all-around righteous girl she cannot abide perversions of justice. So her priestess will not play with a Crooked Judge. Likewise, Kybele was imported to Rome near the end of the Punic Wars, and (according to her publicity machine) gave Rome victory. Hence no Carthaginian may have her priestesses as retinue members.

rome total war ancillary list

To use these first You have to press [] during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: ? - Display help for desired commandgamestop or bestbuy - 10% cheaper units in campaign modeoliphaunt - 40% bigger elephants in campaign modeshow_battle_paths - Show all valid processed paths in pathfindershow_battle_paths_for_unit - Show all valid processed paths in pathfinder for specific unit given a unit IDshow_battle_street_plan - Show the street plan for the settlementshow_battle_marker - Display a marker at x, y for t secondsshow_battle_circle - Display a circle at x, y of r radius for t secondsjericho - Walls fall down in siege in battle map modeadd_money 20000 - Increase money by 20,0001add_population - Add population to indicated cityauto_win - Attacker or defender automatically wins next auto resolved battle.create_unit - Creates a unit in the selected settlement or characters army with the stats you inputtoggle_fow - Toggle fog of warseason - Change seasoncapture_settlement - Capture indicated citytoggle_tow - Toggle tabbed output window displaytoggle_restrictcam - Toggle camera restrictionsgive_ancillary - Give character an ancillarycharacter_reset - Reset character to start of turn settingsshow_cursorstat - Show cursor position and region IDtoggle_terrain - Toggle the terrain to display various data sets; no parameter resets to normalgive_trait_points - Give character points for traitlist_ancillaries - List all available ancillariesmp - Give the character movement pointslist_characters - List all characters in the world or those belonging to a factionshow_landings - Show landing positions available to the AI from a given region; default hides themfilter_coastlines - Apply filter to world map coastlinestoggle_coastlines - Toggle strategy map coastline displayset_building_health - Set health of building of the specified type in a settlementai_turn_speed - Set maximum speed of turn processing during AI roundamdb_min - Set aerial map overlay depth bias for minimum zoomamdb_max - Set aerial map overlay depth bias for maximum zoomamdb_offset - Set aerial map overlay offset towards cameraoutput_unit_positions - Output positions of all units in the battle to the specified filekill_faction - Remove faction from the gamediplomacy_mission - Create diplomacy missionevent - create event at positioncontrol - Switch player control to specified faction; old faction may not act correctly as AI factioncreate_building - Create building of the specified type in a settlementdisable_ai - Disable AIhalt_ai - Halts turn sequence before the start of the specified faction's turn (the current faction if no faction given)run_ai - Restarts an AI turn sequencezoom - Zoom to specified aerial map zoomset_ranking_interval - Set denominator of the faction ranking graph interval (calculated as number_of_turns divided by denominator); if 0, then denominator will be set to number_of_turns for an interval of 1regenerate_radar - Regenerate radaradjust_sea_bed - Adjust sea bed to specified heightreload_shaders - Reload all vertex shadersreload_textures - Reload all texturestoggle_game_update - Firetoggle_perfect_spy - Toggle everyone's spying ability to perfect and infinite rangebuilding_debug - Toggle building debug modereset_display - Force display reset cycletoggle_underlay - Toggle underlaytoggle_overlay - Toggle overlaydiplomatic_stance - Set diplomatic stance between the two factionstest_ancillary_localisation - Add all ancillary to the character info displayperf_times - Toggle display of simple performance times of game update vs. displayburn_piggies_burn - Ignite all piggy winkstest_message - Test the event message specified in descr_event_enums.txtshow_terrain_lines - Display defensive terrain featuresmessage_collation_set - Toggle message collation (sets all factions)show_all_messages - Toggle show all messages to all factionsclear_messages - Clear all stacked messagesreapply_rigid_model_influence - Unknowntoggle_flowing_water - Toggle display of campaign map flowing waternw_stats - Toggle display of network statstoggle_pr - Toggle pr modelist_units - List all units in an armyvictory - Show victory message for faction for short or long campaigntrigger_advice - Trigger advicedamage_wall - Damage wall of settlementtest_victory_scroll - Open victory scroll declaring that the given faction is the victorupgrade_effect - Trigger unit upgrade effectforce_battle_victory - Force local player's alliance to win the battleforce_battle_defeat - Force local player's alliance to lose the battlegive_trait - Give character the trait at indicated levelprocess_cq - Complete all building in construction queue; can only be used onceprocess_rq - Complete all military units in recruitment queue; can only be used oncelist_traits - Lists all traitsmove_character - Move indicated character to desired coordinatesgive_trait_points - Give points for indicated character's traitforce_diplomacy - Force opponent to accept diplomatic proposalinvulnerable_general - General invincibile in combatdate - Changes datekill_character - Kill indicated character

Function Name: campaign_modelInterface: MODEL_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the model in the eventFunction Name: dilemmaInterface: NONEDescription: Access the key of the dilemma in the eventGovernorAssignedCharacterEventFunction Name: provinceInterface: GOVERNOR_ASSIGNED_CHARACTER_EVENTDescription: Access the province in which the governor was assignedFunction Name: regionInterface: GOVERNOR_ASSIGNED_CHARACTER_EVENTDescription: Access the region in which the governor was assignedCharacterCreatedFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCharacterTurnStartFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventDilemmaIssuedFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventFunction Name: campaign_modelInterface: MODEL_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the model in the eventFunction Name: dilemmaInterface: NONEDescription: Access the key of the dilemma in the eventCharacterTurnEndFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventGovernorshipTaxRateChangedFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventSlotSelectedFunction Name: garrison_residenceInterface: GARRISON_RESIDENCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the garrison residence in the eventTradeNodeConnectedFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCharacterGarrisonTargetEventFunction Name: garrison_residenceInterface: GARRISON_RESIDENCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target garrison in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventScriptedCharacterUnhiddenFailedFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventUnitCreatedFunction Name: unitInterface: UNIT_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the unit in the eventRegionSlotEventFunction Name: region_slotInterface: SLOT_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region slot in the eventFactionRoundStartFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventCharacterBlockadedPortFunction Name: garrison_residenceInterface: GARRISON_RESIDENCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target garrison in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCharacterPromotedFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventPendingBankruptcyFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventCharacterCompletedBattleFunction Name: pending_battleInterface: PENDING_BATTLE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Get the pending battle script interfaceFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventRegionIssuesDemandsFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region in the eventGarrisonOccupiedEventFunction Name: garrison_residenceInterface: GARRISON_RESIDENCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target garrison in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCharacterMarriageFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCharacterParticipatedAsSecondaryGeneralInBattleFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventSlotOpensFunction Name: region_slotInterface: SLOT_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region slot in the eventRegionRiotsFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region in the eventWorldCreatedFunction Name: worldInterface: WORLD_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the world in the eventFactionBecomesShogunFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventCampaignCoastalAssaultOnGarrisonFunction Name: garrison_residenceInterface: GARRISON_RESIDENCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target garrison in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventFactionLeaderSignsPeaceTreatyFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventScriptedCharacterUnhiddenFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventRegionStrikesFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region in the eventCharacterEntersAttritionalAreaFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventIncidentOccuredEventFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventFunction Name: campaign_modelInterface: MODEL_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the model in the eventFunction Name: dilemmaInterface: NONEDescription: Access the key of the incident in the eventCharacterBesiegesSettlementFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region besiegedUnitTrainedFunction Name: unitInterface: UNIT_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the unit in the eventRegionSelectedFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region in the eventRegionRebelsFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region in the eventCharacterGarrisonTargetActionFunction Name: mission_result_critial_successInterface: NONEDescription: Was the mission a critical success?Function Name: mission_result_successInterface: NONEDescription: Was the mission a success?Function Name: mission_result_opportune_failureInterface: NONEDescription: Was the mission an opportune failure?Function Name: mission_result_failureInterface: NONEDescription: Was the mission a failure?Function Name: mission_result_critial_failureInterface: NONEDescription: Was the mission a critical failure?Function Name: abilityInterface: NONEDescription: String key for the ability used (from abilities table)Function Name: attributeInterface: NONEDescription: String key for the attribute used (from attributes table)Function Name: garrison_residenceInterface: GARRISON_RESIDENCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target garrison in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCampaignCoastalAssaultOnCharacterFunction Name: target_characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target character in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventRegionTurnStartFunction Name: regionInterface: REGION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the region in the eventPendingBattleFunction Name: modelInterface: MODEL_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the model in the eventFunction Name: pending_battleInterface: PENDING_BATTLE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the pending battle in the eventFactionGovernmentTypeChangedFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventMultiTurnMoveFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventLandTradeRouteRaidedFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventFirstTickAfterWorldCreatedFunction Name: worldInterface: WORLD_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the world in the eventTradeRouteEstablishedFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventUnitTurnEndFunction Name: unitInterface: UNIT_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the unit in the eventForceAdoptsStanceFunction Name: stance_adoptedInterface: NONEDescription: Access the stance adoptedFunction Name: military_forceInterface: MILITARY_FORCE_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the military forceResearchStartedFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventFactionBecomesLiberationVassalFunction Name: liberating_characterInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character involved in the liberationFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventSeaTradeRouteRaidedFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventCharacterBecomesFactionLeaderFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the character in the eventMissionFailedFunction Name: missionInterface: CAMPAIGN_MISSION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the mission in the eventFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventFunction Name: campaign_modelInterface: MODEL_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the model in the eventClanBecomesVassalFunction Name: factionInterface: FACTION_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the faction in the eventCampaignArmiesMergeFunction Name: target_characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: Access the target character in the eventFunction Name: characterInterface: CHARACTER_SCRIPT_INTERFACEDescription: A


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